Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Seraphi goes on..

Quick update. Been a lot of stuff going on at the moment, and we have just started doing events again.
yesterday we did a Proto-Omega, which got us Feet and Head, grats Tylia and Ninebreaker.

Today we did 2 Jailer of Love. Grats to Joshuwa on Torque, Betty on BLM earring, Kuraia on WHM-earring. Also did a Jailer of Justice that dropped nothing..

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Back-end update

So, I had a slow day at work, and I though I would work some on the blog.
I realized that all that information you can find on is public, so that means you should be able to pull that information to this blogg, making it "update itself"..

Sure enough, getting my job's current levels was pretty easy, once I found the solution. I can also pull my crafting levels and current titel, rank etc, but I decided not to do that. I will probably add the crafting once I get Wildbone registered on the auction site, but I'm too lazy at the moment.

What I inially wanted to do was to pull the merit-information, and that proved to be the tricky part, but I got it to work, after several hours of work. I can't seem to get the formatting to work for it, but screw that, atleast I'll never have to update my merits manually here anymore. :-)

Also I took some time and updated the spreadsheet for the Mandau-project, formatting all cells to the correct values (ie percent, currency etc.) So it's a bit easier to read now. I also added a percent counter for the different stages, to make the graph a bit easier to read.

Without getting technical, I'll just say that none of this could have been possible without Google Docs. Google Docs, I love you!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Typo, I love you.

I just realised I had 2 errors in my spreadsheet for the Mandau currency, which I now have fixed. 

Stage 4 needed currency was set to 6700 instead of 6100, and stage 3 was set to 1600 instead of 1400. So by fixing these typos, I just made a huge leap closer to the goal, and it didnt cost me a thing, lol.

My goal for the end of April 2009 is to have have Stage1, Stage2, Stage3 at 100% complete and Stage4 and Stage5 at 10%.
I feel this can be done, but I will have to work hard for it. 

On a sidenote, someone asked me the reason for putting these kind of stuff up here, and the answer is simple. I set up goals (tallgates, if you are in to project management) so I have something to work towards. When the deadline for the goal is due, I evaluate my progress and see what I can do to improve.

So by the 1st of May 2008, I should be able to set up a new goal, depending on the outcome of the months ahead.

Planning for things in this game is sometimes harder than reallife since there are a lot of factors that change and you really cant anticipate what will come into effect until they hit you in the face. But if we ignore these factors for a moment and assume that the economy and such will remain the same on the server, my monthly income should increase as time goes, since I will get my crafting skills up, find more and better ways of making money and learn from any costly misstakes I do. Experience makes all the difference. However this is not something I calculate in when I set goals for the Mandau project. I see this "thingswillonlygetbetter-factor" as a backup fund that will ensure that any setbacks (like sickness, vacations, losses) wont put me below estimated earnings.

Yes, it's just a game, but anything you spend this much time on should be handled in a correct way.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just a quick update..

..on whats going on.


Still hunting around for dynamis currency, going slow but steady. I am positive I'll have all the bronzepieces and some more shells in about 3-4 months when we should be nearing completion of Seraphi's current relic (Excalibur).
So far I have been able to keep up with the expenses, pretty much breaking even on what currency I can find and what I can afford to pay. There's a infobox in the right column for those interested in prices/percents etc.

Recently got Wildbone to Bonecrafting 100+2. I want to get Leathercraft subcraft up to 60 asap, and thats what I have begun work on now. This will probably make a small dent in my relicfund, but it shouldnt be too bad. Ill just have to work harder in the weekends, scraping together more gil..

LS events:
We have started the new year good, doing all the usual events, and doing them well.
Things work mentioning so far is 1 Faith torque drop (grats Janeiro) and a Tier 3 clearance in Einherjar, making us 2/3 on Tier 3. Just 1 more before Odin.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


We have started events again after the holidays. Did Sea today, some inside jailers, and 2 JoJ and 2 JoH. No torque drops..

Oh and I got my Hyorin Obi, finally..