Thursday, December 27, 2007

You guess it, farming!

No more fishing.. that sucks. so back to Quicksand. First i did the pop-NM again, so good drops.
Then I camped the Ranger NM and got the Loxley Bow and 6k gil. Was a easy kill so thats fine.
Popped 2 Coffers, netting me 17k. Redid the pop-Nm again a bit later, crap drops again. Moved to Monastic Cavern, opened a coffer, found my THF AF gloves item, i forgot to finish, lol. Guess I can do Dark SPark once i go do the last battle for Bastok Rank 10 in Castle Zwahl Baileys. Was planning on doing Limbus with the LS but personal things got in the way.

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