Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just a quick update..

..on whats going on.


Still hunting around for dynamis currency, going slow but steady. I am positive I'll have all the bronzepieces and some more shells in about 3-4 months when we should be nearing completion of Seraphi's current relic (Excalibur).
So far I have been able to keep up with the expenses, pretty much breaking even on what currency I can find and what I can afford to pay. There's a infobox in the right column for those interested in prices/percents etc.

Recently got Wildbone to Bonecrafting 100+2. I want to get Leathercraft subcraft up to 60 asap, and thats what I have begun work on now. This will probably make a small dent in my relicfund, but it shouldnt be too bad. Ill just have to work harder in the weekends, scraping together more gil..

LS events:
We have started the new year good, doing all the usual events, and doing them well.
Things work mentioning so far is 1 Faith torque drop (grats Janeiro) and a Tier 3 clearance in Einherjar, making us 2/3 on Tier 3. Just 1 more before Odin.

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