Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Maintenance again!?!?

Ye, and in our prime time also. I logged on at 21.00 and went straight for San'Doria since we had Dynamis today. I really dont like this zone, since pulling here is (in my opinion) the worst place, maybe just topped by Windy. Of course you will die a lot more in Xarkabard but thats sacpulls, in Sandy you never really no if a pull will go ok or if you will link the whole shit..

Well the run when pretty smooth and the drops was nice, we got some AF that we rarly get (WHM) and we also got several RDM and some other stuff AND 2 100 pices which is nice. Just what Jamibian needed for his relic upgrade. Will be nice once we have a Aegis in the linkshell!

20 minutes before the run ended my internet died (again)! Im getting seriously annoyed with this and hope this is not something that will continue happening. I got on 25 minutes later on Ventrillo and told them i would be right there, but they had just exited Dynamis, so I said good night and went to bed.

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